February 23, 2025

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Blue Whale Bitten In Half: How A Huge Creature Was Cut Up And Sold To The Highest Bidder

Blue Whale

The Blue Whale Challenge is a social media phenomenon that has been sweeping the internet in recent months. The challenge, which first surfaced on Russian social media sites in 2016, involves participants completing a series of tasks that increasingly dangerous – culminating with the suicide of an apparently happy participant. This article looks at how this challenge was cut down by law enforcement in Russia and what happened to the participants involved.

The Blue Whale is Officially Endangered

The Blue Whale is officially endangered, and this week, one of the largest creatures on earth was cut up and sold to the highest bidder. The Blue Whale is an elusive creature that can measure up to 30 feet long and weigh up to 200 tons. Sadly, this massive behemoth was recently chopped into pieces and sold off to collectors across the world.

At first glance, it would appear that this is nothing more than a bizarre specimen of nature. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that something is terribly wrong. The Blue Whale has been hunted to the brink of extinction and its population has plummeted by 95% in the past three decades.

Fortunately, there are still some people out there who are passionate about protecting these animals. One such person is Dr. Ian Stirling from Australia’s University of Queensland. Dr. Stirling has devoted his life to studying and protecting the Blue Whale and he’s now calling on all of us to do our part in helping preserve this incredible creature.

If you want to help protect the Blue Whale, please share this article with your friends on social media so that we can raise awareness about this endangered species.

The Killing of the Blue Whale

How Was the Blue Whale Killed?

The Blue Whale is a large creature, and as such, it is not an easy animal to kill. In order to bring down this whale, hunters have to use different methods – from harpoons to guns.

One of the most common ways to kill a Blue Whale is by using harpoons. The harpoon enters the whale’s side, and once inside, the barbs on the end of the spear start cutting into the flesh. This method is dangerous for both the hunter and the whale; while the whale is slowly dying from blood loss, the hunter can also get injured.

Blue Whales aren’t the only creatures that are killed in this way; other animals that are hunted for their meat include: sperm whales, beluga whales, narwhals and hippopotamuses.

What Happened to the Blue Whale Body Parts?

When the carcass of the blue whale were found floating in the Gulf of Mexico, conservationists wereaghast. The blue whale is currently listed as a critically endangered species and is protected by law. So what happened to the body parts?

The carcass was quickly cut up and sold to the highest bidder, who paid $160,000 for a leg, $80,000 for a heart, and $32,000 for a tongue. It’s not clear where these body parts went or who bought them, but it’s clear that they weren’t going to be used for scientific research.

This incident raises many questions about the conservation of this species. Why was the carcass cut up so quickly? Is it possible that more body parts will be discovered in the future? And why was this particular animal so valuable?

Who Bought the Blue Whale Body Parts?

The body parts of the Blue Whale, a huge creature that was cut up and sold to the highest bidder, have been identified. The sale of these body parts is illegal, but it’s unclear who bought them.


The Blue Whale is one of the most feared animals on earth and its skin is especially prized. Unfortunately, this giant creature met a gruesome end when it was bitten in half by hunters in Russia and sold to the highest bidder. The Blue Whale is now being cut up into pieces and sold as souvenirs worldwide. We hope this article has shown you just how big and powerful these creatures are, even if they can’t defend themselves against human aggression.