February 22, 2025

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GATE Exam Question Paper


Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering or GATE is a graduate-level competitive exam, conducted for Masters, Research, and PSU job opportunities. The GATE Exam is conducted cooperatively by seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee) and IISc Bangalore. GATE 2022 was conducted by IIT Kharagpur. The exam was carried out on 29 different subjects on 5, 6, 12, and 13 February. 

GATE Exam is based on a comprehensive understanding of the respective subjects. Qualifying GATE Exam opens up various opportunities for the candidates, from Masters, Research, and to jobs in PSUs. Looking at the opportunities provided by the GATE Exam, you might get an idea of the level of competitiveness of the exam. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and sincerity to get a good rank in the GATE Exam.

GATE requires a high level of preparation. Along with hard work and dedication, you need to prepare it smartly too. In this article, we have prepared some preparation tips for the candidates. If you follow these rules, you can manage to get a better rank and prepare easily. Several websites provide various preparation tips.

GATE Preparation Tips

Here are some of the preparation tips to help you with your GATE preparation:

  • GATE Coaching
  • GATE Exam Question Papers
  • Mock Tests
  • Revision

GATE Coaching

There are numerous GATE coaching institutions in India, but cracking an exam like GATE needs the best possible preparation. The candidates must decide sensibly before enrolling for GATE coaching. Coaching can provide PDFs of study materials, quizzes, mock test series, and sectional tests. 

Benefits of GATE Coaching:

  • Comprehensive sessions
  • Doubt solving classes
  • Competitive preparation
  • Close attention

GATE Exam Question Papers

Candidates preparing for the GATE Exam need the best study materials and books. Candidates should also sincerely practise the GATE exam question paper. The GATE exam question paper gives an idea about the standard of the GATE questions, GATE exam pattern, and weightage of each topic, which will help you strengthen your time management skills. 

Candidates must know the weightage of each section in the paper and go through the sections with higher weightage, provided the candidate is capable of understanding the concepts easily. And the GATE previous years’ papers can help you out with it. For example, we have shown a breakdown of the GATE 2019 question paper of Geology below. 

Question Type Sec. A (Aptitude) Part A Part B(Section 1) Part B(Section 2)
Theoretical 6 20 23 13
Numerical 4 5 7 17

Here, you can see the distribution of the GATE 2019 question paper. This pattern may vary from subject to subject and year to year. However, you can figure out the way of questions set by each IIT, which might be helpful. GATE 2019 was conducted by IIT Madras.

Mock Tests

The GATE mock test is beneficial for the preparation. Regular practice sessions and mock tests will help you with feedback on your preparation. It will also allow you to identify and evaluate your weaknesses, and work upon them. It will also boost your time management and decision-making abilities during the examination. While the GATE’s official website offers free mock test series, there are also several other websites that provide the same.


Revision is another crucial aspect when it comes to examinations. Therefore, students should always revise after completing the GATE syllabus. It is always better to revise the syllabus you have already completed, rather than starting with a new topic.

These are some of the important tips which can be very helpful for your preparation. Always work smartly, and don’t forget to analyse your mistakes in the practice sessions, as it can be beneficial.