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Guide to finding distressed properties in Arizona

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Buying a distressed properties is often a great investment, the only problem is that they are incredibly tough to find. This is why most experienced investors rely on reliable real estate companies that particularly deal in distressed or probate properties. In fact, there’s tons of research that goes into finding such properties – not so obvious cues and additional data that indicate whether a property owner is in distress and there’s profit to be made.

How to find distressed homeowners in Arizona?

Simply put, a distressed property is a house where the owner can no longer keep up with the physical and financial costs of owning and maintaining it. Typically, such properties are on the brink of going through foreclosure as a result of unpaid mortgage payments or tax liens. While there is no formula to finding such properties, a house in disrepair is perhaps the first cue to it, as there is a general conception that people with financial distress often neglect the property. However, there’s more to it! So, we’ve put together a few cues that help at identifying distressed homes.

Cues to finding properties in distress

Key takeaway

A distress sale occurs when a property must be sold quickly. Such a scenario occurs when for reasons of economic duress, the owner must accept a lower price. However, spotting distressed homeowners in Arizona is no simple task! This is why we recommend Foreclosures Daily. It’s a one-stop shop when it comes to finding quality distressed properties. It’s the top destination for detailed, up-to-date, and off the retail market leads. Connect with them, now!

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