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How To Conserve Energy At Home And Reduce Electricity Bills

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There are a lot of things you can do to lower SRP electric bill. Energy conservation is the practice of reducing your energy consumption to reduce environmental impact and lower costs. This can mean using less gas, electricity or any other form of energy that you use. With finite sources of energy available, conserving energy is beneficial to you and the larger energy systems. There are a lot of simple ways that you can conserve energy and save money at home.

Energy efficiency and energy conservation

Whilst energy conservation is the practice of using less energy for environmental and cost reasons, energy efficiency is using specific products designed to consume less energy. These two concepts are somehow similar but involve entirely different methods. Read on as we explore different options for energy conservation.

Adjust your behaviors

If you want to reduce energy consumption in your business or home and increase your energy savings, you don’t need to go out and buy energy-efficient products. You can conserve energy by just turning off appliances or lights when you don’t need them. Using energy-intensive appliances less is also an effective way of conserving energy.

The behavioral adjustments that have the best potential for saving energy bills and lower your electric bill are turning down your thermostat’s heat in winter and using your AC less in summer. Cooling and heating costs constitute about half of the average utility bills in your home so these reductions in frequency and intensity of cooling and heating offer the best savings. There are some tools you can use to figure out where most of your energy is going and which appliances use the most energy.

Use smart power trips

The electricity used by appliances when they are switched off or when they are on standby is a big source of energy waste. It is estimated that about 75% of the energy used to power electronics in homes is consumed when appliances are switched off. This can cost you a lot of money per year.

It is, therefore, important to invest in smart power trips that can eliminate the problem of your appliances using electricity when they are switched off. Smart power trips turn off the power of your electronics when they aren’t in use. You should install smart power strips and set them to turn off at the assigned time, when your appliances are inactive, based on the status of the master device or through remote switches.

Install smart or programmable thermostats

Programmable thermostats can be set to turn off automatically or reduce cooling and heating during the times when you are away or asleep. When you install programmable thermostats, you eliminate wasteful energy use from cooling and heating without upgrading your AC.

A programmable thermostat can save around $180 per year. They come in different makes and models that can be set to fit your schedule. Additional features of smart thermostats include indicators for when to replace your HVAC systems, which can improve the efficiency of your HVAC systems and lower SRP electric bill.

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