May 18, 2024

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Types Of Fat Reduction Procedures

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If you’re considering fat reduction surgery, you might be wondering what types of fat reduction procedures are available. CoolSculpting and Kybella are some of the most common non-invasive forms of fat reduction modern techniques apart from the conventional surgical procedures. These are discussed below in detail.

CoolSculpting or CoolShaping.

Cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, FDA-approved procedure that uses a device to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat. The procedure has been used for many years in Europe and Asia, but is relatively new to the U.S. market. CoolSculpting has been proven effective for helping people shed stubborn areas of fat, including those around the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, chin, back and laterals (love handles).

It works by cooling down body tissue in order to trigger cell death in surrounding fats cells over time (approximately one month), leaving them dead and unable to store more fat once they regenerate from your body’s natural healing processes. It’s best to not get this procedure right after a meal because digestion may affect how well it works. And to avoid discomfort due its side effects (eighty percent chance).


This procedure uses high-frequency ultrasound energy to stimulate muscle contractions and increase blood flow, which helps break down fat cells more quickly. This type of procedure can be performed with or without anaesthesia and causes less pain than liposuction or CoolShaping.


This procedure uses electromagnetic waves to deliver thermal energy deep into the dermal layer. The RF helps melt the excess fat through low-level laser and vacuum rolling.

Suction lipectomy or liposuction.

The surgical procedure that uses a vacuum-like device to remove fat from the body is popularly known as liposuction. It is done through small incisions in the skin or by using a laser to melt away fat cells. It can be used to treat various parts of your body, including eyebrows, chin and jawline/neck area.

Power-assisted suction lipectomy or PAL.

PAL is a fat reduction procedure that uses a small cannula and vacuum to remove fat. It works by suctioning out the fatty tissue, which is then collected in a plastic bag. During PAL, the cannula wand is inserted beneath your skin and moved back and forth to remove fat. Cosmetic procedures like body contouring and facial sculpting can also be performed using these devices.

Tumescent liposuction aka Kybella is similar to power-assisted liposuction, but it requires an additional step of injecting tumescent solution into the areas you want to treat with fat reduction surgery.

The main difference between suction lipectomy (SL) and PAL is that there aren’t any needles involved in SL. Instead only local anaesthesia cream needs applying beforehand over entire area being treated prior starting SL treatment.

Laser fat reduction.

This procedure uses laser energy to treat unwanted fat. The procedure is most effective on small areas of fat such as the abdomen and knees being a minimally invasive procedure. Laser treatment must be performed by a trained professional. It is not recommended for smokers or diabetics or other diseases that affect blood flow to the skin. It’s also not recommended for women during pregnancy or breast-feeding because there haven’t been enough studies on the effects on the foetus or new born.


Fat reduction procedures are a great way to improve the look of your body. With so many options for fat reduction, it’s important to know exactly what each type of procedure does. By understanding the differences between them, you can choose which is best for your body and lifestyle.