May 18, 2024

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Will Laser Treatment Damage The Face?

Laser Treatment

Acne, the aging process, or too much exposure to the sun contributes to unwanted scars, blemishes, or damages. To get rid of those scars and have younger-looking and blemish-free skin, laser treatment skin resurfacing can help you to a great extent.

You can also choose this laser treatment as your acne scar treatment. Now, you may wonder whether laser treatment causes damages to your face or not.

To understand the laser procedure better, there are some specifications about this laser treatment that can work as a good acne scar treatment that needs to be understood. This laser treatment also known as laser skin resurfacing can easily remove the layers of skin with great precision.

During this healing process, that newly formed skin can give a tighter and younger-looking surface to the skin. This process can be done both alone and along with other cosmetic surgeries as well.

What are the things you should remember before going for laser treatment?

  • First of all, you need to consult with an expert doctor or plastic surgeon to know if laser treatment will be suitable for you. Consult with them if you have fever blisters or cold sores around or near your mouth. Laser treatment can trigger breakouts in those people who are at risk.
  • Your healthcare expert may prescribe you an antibiotic beforehand to prevent any kind of infections caused by bacteria. If you are prone to fever blisters or cold sores, the doctor may give you an antiviral medication.
  • If you want to go for laser treatment as your acne scar treatment, then your healthcare consultant will advise you not to take the supplements like vitamin E, Aspirin, or Ibuprofen, as these can affect clotting for 10 days prior to the surgery.

What things can you expect during and after the treatment?

  • The treatment known as laser skin resurfacing is actually performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. For this acne scar treatment, you need to stay overnight.
  • The doctor will perform anesthesia before treating your scars or wrinkles. Treating just some parts of your face usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, whereas, the full face takes near about 2 hours.
  • After the surgery, the doctor will bandage the areas and after 24 hours, you will be able to clean the areas about five times a day and then apply petroleum jelly to prevent the formation of scabs. Don’t become afraid if you get swelling after the treatment, just talk with your doctor.
  • After 1 to 3 days after the surgery, you will feel itching and after five to six days, the skin will become dry and start to peel. Depending on the severity of the problem the entire healing process will take 10 to 20 days.
  • Also, remember to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Important things you need to know before choosing laser treatment

  1. The results depend on the skills of the surgeon

In the hands of some highly skilled and experienced, the scary laser treatment can be really safe and good for treating multiple types of scars.

  1. Laser treatment may not erase your scar completely

Though Laser treatment is a really good option as an acne scar treatment, it cannot completely erase the scar, it can only make the scar less noticeable and reduce the itching or pain.

  1. Consult your medical advisor before the treatment

Always remember to consult with the expert before undergoing the treatment. The surgeon can perform better if he/she knows about you in advance.

Therefore, laser treatment is a good choice to work as an acne scar treatment, if you follow these basic rules to avoid any kind of damages.